I attended Carnegie-Mellon University, Philadelphia College of Art, and Portfolio Center have spent my life working as a painter, graphic designer, illustrator, interior designer, and teacher. Along the way I have continued my studies with numerous painters, including Margaret Dyer, and Michael David Singer, with an emphasis on figurative painting and portraiture.


Having spent a lifetime in the arts, I’ve been fortunate to marry my desire to work with others with my passion for art. Having taught art the Atlanta Girls’ School from 2008-2021 and working simultaneously with adults in my figurative workshops, I found teaching to be the culmination of my journey.

My goal is to translate the social context of narratives into emotional imagery. Photographic reference is pivotal to my work. I am drawn to the immediacy and informality of snapshots. When photographing my subjects, I am entering their world, both external and internal. We talk. We share stories. We build trust. The sitter’s interior character emerges naturally during our time together, allowing for the opportunity to capture an unguarded moment.

Sifting through the photos gives me the chance to see them anew. I make drawings from a number of the photos to see where the narrative starts to emerge. This forms the basis for the portrait. My intention is my connection with my subject, not the painting.